Welcome to Grantstown Nurseries

Grantstown Nurseries is based in Ballygunner on the outskirts of Waterford city in the southeast of Ireland. We’ve been supplying top quality tomatoes to the Irish market since 1978. We are a family business with a long tradition of innovation and the highest horticultural practices.

View Our Varieties

Granstown Tomatoes Green Tiger Tomato

Super Freshness & Quality

All our tomatoes are grown to the highest standards and are certified under the Bord Bia quality assurance scheme. By purchasing our tomatoes you can enjoy fresh produce and superior taste, grown with low food miles, in a sustainable, fully traceable manner. Buying Irish produce also supports Irish jobs and reduces the country’s dependency on imported food.

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We Grow A Wide Variety of Tomatoes

All our tomatoes are ripened on the vine and harvested when they are just ready to eat. Our tomatoes range in size from our small super sweet Suntini, perfect for snacking, to our large beefsteak tomatoes, perfect for use in Caprese salad. For the more adventurous we grow a selection of unusually shaped and coloured tomatoes.

Some of Our Customers

Contact Us

Grantstown Nurseries
Co. Waterford

Contact: David Currid
Mob: 086-8267602
Mob: 086-1425545
Email: info@grantstownnurseries.ie

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If you have any queries or feedback, please let us know below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.